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Zanolli Citizen 6 Gas Pizza Oven

Zanolli Citizen 6 Gas Pizza Oven

Zanolli Citizen 6 Gas Pizza Oven

The range of high quality, heavy duty pizza ovens come in two sizes and are a solid stainless steel contruction
The new version of the Citizen 6 (or G6) can fit 6 x 12" pizzas in pans per deck
The decks are modulr so can be purchased as a single unit or stacked
Both the baking floor and ceiling are made from a special refractory stone material to enable heat diffusion and aid minimum recovery times
Pizzas can be baked directly on the oven base or in pans
Spring mounted doors for easy access are equipped with athermic handles and a large viewing window, combined with an internal light to help monitor cooking
Pizza capaciy: 6 x 13"
Internal dimensions: 1050mm x 700mm x 160mm
Max temperature: 370°C
Gas rating: 13kW (44,500 BTU/hr)
Electrical loading: 0.1kW 13A 230V~
1450mm x 1090mm x 560mm
Two years parts and labour warranty

Heavy duty floor stand and prover cabinet available as optional extras below

This unit is designed to be stacked - please contact us for more information 

Carriage Infomation

Price: £4,084.00
(£4,900.80 Including VAT at 20%)

Normal Delivery 1-3 working days - direct
Supplier Reference : C10
Product Status : DS

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