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Vollrath VAC1212 Heat Pad for Food Delivery Bags

Vollrath VAC1212 Heat Pad for Food Delivery Bags

Vollrath VAC1212 Heat Pad for Food Delivery Bags

Preheats the delivery bag to better maintain food quality and extend the delivery range. They are ideal for pizzerias and food delivery services that want to deliver dine-in quality to the customer’s doorstep.
Designed to work with Vollrath delivery bags, the heat pad slips into a pocket inside the Vollrath delivery bags and the cord exits through a grommet in the bag.
To preheat the bag, simply connect the heat pad to the included AC power cord.
Options to purchase extra AC power codes or 12V power cord that can be used to power the heat pad in a vehicle. 

Carriage Infomation

Price: £216.00
(£259.20 Including VAT at 20%)

Normal Delivery 1-2 working days - direct
Supplier Reference : F7
Product Status : DS

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