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Metcalfe GMR Retro Electric Cheese Grater

Metcalfe GMR Retro Electric Cheese Grater

Metcalfe GMR Retro Electric Cheese Grater

Retro style cheese grater offering excellent performance with an output of 30kgs of cheese and 50kgs of bread per hour
The grater has a special steel roll and is protected with a stainless steel grid to avoid contact with moving parts
An interlock is assembled on the cheese pressing handle; it is started when the cheese load safety threshold is exceeded to avoid contact with the moving cutting part
Ventilated motor with heat sensor
Plastic base protection to prevent moisture entering the motor and electrics
Motor: 0.5hp
Electrical loading: 13A 230V~
250mm x 280mm x 310mm
One year parts and labour warranty

Only suitable for grating HARD cheese (e.g. pecorino and parmesan), bread, nuts and biscuits 

Carriage Infomation

Price: £365.00
(£438.00 Including VAT at 20%)

Normal Delivery 3-5 working days - direct
Supplier Reference : M6
Product Status : DS

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