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IMC WastePro II Food Waste Dewaterer (F78/020)

IMC WastePro II Food Waste Dewaterer (F78/020)

IMC WastePro II Food Waste Dewaterer (F78/020)

Suitable for connection to an IMC food waste disposer of between 1.1kW and 4kW (excluding 500 series and 04X models)

Food waste is processed at source by the food waste disposer which is then discharged to the WastePro. The WastePro separates solids from liquids, discharging the semidry solid waste, reduced in volume by up to 80% into a container. This then leaves the residual liquid waste to flow into the drains.

Capacity: 700kg Disposal per hour (1450 covers)
Electrical loading: 1.9kW 8.3A 230V~
820mm x 452mm x 982mm
Allowance should be made for 150mm at the rear of the unit for services
One year parts and labour warranty 

Carriage Infomation

Price: £7,700.00
(£9,240.00 Including VAT at 20%)

Normal Delivery 2-5 working days - direct
Supplier Reference : L1
Product Status : DS

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